
Showing posts from March, 2024Show all
What will be the deal with Ethiopia?!!/ itoobiya heshiiska miyey ka laaban doontaa?!!
Who will rule Gaza after the war?!!/ yaa maamuli doona qasa dagaalka kadib?!!
Is it pirates or the Somali Coast Guard?!!/ ma budcad badeed mise halyeeyo somaliyeed?
Did the Saudis betray Palestine? Find out the truth!!/sucuudigu miyuu khiyaamay falastiin?!!
The most famous men of the last century in the Islamic world/ragii ugu caansanaa caalamka islaamka qarnigii hore
HEART FLAMING LOVE STORY💔/qalbi jab sheeko jacayl💔
What destroyed Somalia/maxaa somaliya burburiyey?!!
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